Chromebook Returns before Summer

Library Material Return Details

All library obligations (overdue books and fines) are being emailed to students daily.  Please be sure to check your email!

Chromebook Returns

Returns for Seniors and Virtual Students 

Seniors and virtual students should have already turned in their device. Their ability to participate in graduation will be withheld for students who fail to comply. 

Returns for Underclassmen (Grades 9-11) 

Once done with all final assignments and exams, students in grades 9-11 should return their chromebook, case and charger to their advisor for the summer. If they fail to do so, they will receive a consequence that may include a failure to return fee. Students should leave their device inside the cover and then place their name on the device cover and the charger. They will receive their own device and charger back in the fall.

Advisors will receive masking tape today for labeling devices and storage bins on Monday. Devices and storage bins should be locked in classrooms and stored over the summer.  On Monday, each advisor will also receive a device return record to keep track of return records for cases, chargers and devices in your advisement group.  Students that are missing any component may be charged an additional fee for not clearing this obligation during the 2023 school year.